The Sky is High

It's just a box of pieces of a puzzle about a small circle of friends. It's about the lives, the loves, and the hopes. One by one, part by part. Hung up in the sky along with prayers. Until each of them can fly higher by itself. The Sky the Rain the Rainbow the Sun the Moon. All are talking in their own way. Carving their small footsteps in the history of time. And now each of them can really fly higher by itself, and leave this house one by one...

aku memelukmu, lewat baumu yang kutelusuri dari setiap serat kain milikmu.

masih kukecup bajumu, kutelusuri dan masih tersimpan baumu di sana, meskipun telah tercuci kering, di setrika dengan rapi,

ketika kukenakan, sayang
rasanya seperti kamu memelukku dari belakang, dan seketika aku menangis.

aku rindu.
tiap jengkal tubuhmu, aku rindu.

2 loves:

Tunggu, ya, Sayang...

Aku berharap memiliki sehelai kainmu di sini untuk ku peluk dan aku cium...

kalau aku rindu dia..aku slalu cium baju dia..bau dia ada disitu..nyaman!

In the living room